I was raised in a very diverse family. I have both democrats and republicans, and some independents. Growing up, I definitely had a more democrat/ liberal view. As I got older and started to really gain an opinion (which was right around the second term for Obama’s presidency) I started to learn a bit more about the world. I came to realize that republicans and democrats have time and time again destroyed the country in so many ways. People think it’s one choice or the other. It really isn’t. If people would stop to learn, there are actually a lot of other parties in America. It all just takes a simple looking up of where you stand and then you find that party where your beliefs align.
I firmly believe that the government needs to stay the hell out of the individuals business, so I am definitely a libertarian. There needs to be a firm line between the central and the state government. There should be a firm line of what they can and cannot tell us to do. I think we could make better changes if the democrats and republicans didn’t have such a huge hold in government. If there were more parties involved, or at least more individuals with more ideas, that could benefit the common good. There would be a lot more cooperation and a lot more diversity. If it were up to me, I would decrease the party system and invite more individual opinions.
I would like to see someone who doesn’t particularly focus on one idea, rather than someone who focuses on all of it so long as it benefits everybody. Typically, I look for someone who is very unbiased and does not favor any one. I look for the moderates.
When it comes to abortion, it really is a big middle ground and it’s hard to communicate with, especially to women. I definitely believe that every woman has the right to choose whether they want to keep or abort the child. But there is a time frame of which you can do that. A time period of 11-12 weeks is more than plenty of time to decide if you want a child or not, or even if you just want to give them up for adoption. Don’t use it as a form of birth control. If she got herself into this mess, she needs to own up to the mistakes and either find this child a good home or do her absolute best to give it the life it deserves.
If a girl is raped, she ultimately has the choice. Not the parents, and sure as hell not the father. Especially if the mother is in a relationship and the father is very abusive, whether it be psychological or physical. He will have absolutely no say whatsoever. Unless he is treating the woman as the person she deserves to be treated as, he will not get a say. There needs to be that level of respect. If a woman is in a relationship, and it is a good relationship, she needs to tell the father. Even if that father is outside of the relationship, they need to know. She can’t just abort it and keep that secret because the father may have wanted to be a parent.
I would be extremely angry if I found out a girlfriend of mine aborted the child without telling me. To me, that’s hiding something as big as adultery. To me, that is morally and ethically wrong. If you don't want the kid, I understand. If I want the kid, shouldn’t you at least give me the chance to have my say? If there’s something medically wrong to where they can’t have the kid. I understand, things happen. Or if they simply don’t want to be a parent, I do. Give me the chance to be a parent. Don’t take that away from me.
These are very tough moral and ethical issues. Just the idea of them being tied to religious morals is overbearing. I get it, there are religious beliefs that the moment you conceive a child it is a child and not a fetus, or they just think it’s morally wrong to abort. At the same time, God is forgiving. If you choose to abort a child, they were just not meant to be. They were not meant to be here on this planet. They were meant to be with him in the first place. Religious people are so quick to believe that when a child dies, it just wasn’t their time. Why can’t it not be their time even before they’re born?
Who cares who you date or what you identify as. That’s all you. That’s none of my business and it’s nobody else's. I’m not going to think of them any less. I don’t really meet any trans people, at least not to my knowledge. Even if I did find out they were trans, I wouldn’t care. I personally won’t date a trans because I was raised in a conservative household, in a sense. It’s my firm belief to date someone who is naturally a woman. It’s just how I feel and there’s nothing wrong with that. Everyone has their own personal taste, as selfish as that may sound.
Everyone has their own sexual preference on what they identify as. Do I personally agree with there being 70 some odd genders? No. There are two genders, but there are variations of those genders. That definitely needs to be distinguished. Just because you identify with something particular, it doesn’t make you any less a male or a female. It just makes you a variation of that. There’s nothing wrong with that.
I don’t believe in race by color. I believe in only the human race. Not everyone agrees with me. Racism is definitely a sensitive subject mainly because I am seen as just a white male who supports the police, but I come from a family of law enforcement. I also come from a navy and military heritage so I will always support them. I may not always agree with all of the decisions. At the same time, they are needed to protect the people of the country.
There are so many good cops in the country. Yes, unfortunately, there are the bad ones who target minorities. It’s an unfortunate thing. It needs to be sorted out. At the same time, when the good cops are out in the field trying to protect the minorities - and I quote minorities because I don’t particularly like that word - there needs to be a level of cooperation between cops and the community. You can’t expect them to do their job if you are not cooperating. Just answer the questions, be honest, even if it means you will get in trouble or brought down to the police station and questioned. The only way that things get better is if you communicate with each other. The other thing is, people need to understand cops are just as much human as we are and they are put in situations constantly where they may have to pull their weapon and fire. They don’t know if the person they’re confronting has a weapon or not and people get scared all of the time. Defunding the police is not going to make them do their jobs better. Police need funding to do their job. They need to support their families. They need to receive training.
I don’t particularly agree with BLM because to me it is a very polarized view of the world and the police. When I hear BLM, my brain gets very defensive because they would rather see police brutalized and chastised because they are simply trying to do their job.
Not every white person is bad. Not every cop is bad either.
As far as I’m concerned, there really is no leader of BLM. If a collective few who are very looked up to in these communities, or social groups could come together as a whole and broadcast that their message is not from a hateful standpoint, but more of trying to correct the issue at hand, it would definitely be less targeted. If there were some leaders of that movement that could come together and make a video and post it everywhere saying that they aren’t hating on all the cops of America, just the ones that are creating these issues that give us the need to create this group, that would be good.
While I don’t exactly support them, if they projected a better message themselves, it would be much more accepted. To me, it feels like BLM is no different than white supremacy. To me, it seems like they would rather crucify the police and leave a complete lawless wild west. No matter how much distaste you may have for the police, where would you be without them? We would still be ruled by the mafia if it wasn’t for them.
I believe that there needs to be a middle ground as well. You can’t have one more than the other because it just invites too much government corruption and the people's corruption. I believe that there are two different types of corruption when it comes to economics. There is the government and then there’s the people. The government focuses more on socialism and the people are more capitalist. In certain issues, like medical care, there should be a bit more of a socialist influence. That way, everyone has a chance at receiving medical benefits. There should be free healthcare for everybody. No one should be denied care simply because they are not financially capable or any other reason that they wouldn’t be able to get the same healthcare benefits. If people want private healthcare, then yes they should apply for it. At the same time, why not receive free health care? Enjoy the benefits of free healthcare and make sure that everyone is healthy, not just any one person. No one deserves to have all of the benefits to themselves.
That goes with capitalism too. Not necessarily share the wealth, but everyone deserves to have a chance at making their bread and bringing it home to their families. Everyone has a right to their own businesses. I am very much a supporter of small businesses.